Saturday, January 17, 2009

Am I Surprised? Not Really.

With a little help from captions, I'll let the pictures tell the story. Please note, this all happened within about 3 days. He had to shred each little piece, too... The look of a job well-done. The trash bags! And Mom's cookbook... that he pulled off the table. The look of a job well-done. Oh, AND the Q-tips. Oh, and another look of a job well-done!!


k.young said...

He is so cute. Wait until his reach gets longer and longer. Nothing is safe then! :)

Harmony said...

what a little cutie?! i guess we prob all deserve it for the way we acted as kids :)

Misty said...

haha! That's funny. Ty loves to shred things (like TP) into tiny pieces

Lisa said...

looks like your boy gets into everything too. what did you do to celebrate his first birthday?

Jen said...

I didn't know you guys had a blog...

It was so fun to see you guys in December. Your son is adorable!

Cindy-n-Steve said...

Do you like "When my kids were little" stories? Stephanie cut off Jennifer's hair and cut Jen's cheek in the process (and hid all the hair in a drawer); spilled Elmer's glue all over the bedroom floor; and ripped the arms off of her stuffed clown and hid the body parts under her bed -- all in a two-days time frame. I can look back and laugh now! (I was driven to insanity back then!!)

Amber said...

Houston is so cute!! Has he had his birthday? I can't remember which day you had him on.

Jensen Family said...

Looks like he is keeping you busy!